โ Hey Reader! As you know, our oldest Berner Charlie has idiopathic seizures. This means there's no rhyme or reason as to what causes them, when they're going to happen, or how long they last. Luckily, it's been since August since he's had one (I track them on the Notes app on my phone to help the vets). And I've shared a few videos on my YouTube channel about how we use nutrition as part of his care plan. Two months ago, I got a comment from a subscriber on my video titled 7 Foods to Feed Your Dog To Prevent Seizures (No Meds!). The message read: I responded by telling them how sorry I was to hear of her fur baby's epilepsy, and how frustrating it is to not be able to get certain ingredients or foods in some countries. I encouraged them to try and get CBD shipped to them from a country like the US which sells it. A week an a half ago, I got a notification I had a new comment on this video. To my surprise it was this same subscriber. Here's what they said: I can't express to you how happy this made me! Knowing they had taken some random internet stranger's advice, and their dog was actually healthier because of it. It made my entire week, and I smile every time I think about it. This is why I create dog content. Not to generate a huge social media following (I'm an introvert, I like small groups), not to sell a bunch of random products that pet parents don't need, and certainly not to become famous (I never will, but to me, being a celebrity would be my absolute worst nightmare). Messages like those are why I spend so much of my free time sharing what I know, what I've experienced with my own dogs, in the hopes it'll help someone else give their dog (and themselves) a better life. Because one thing that'll always be true about pet parenthood - it's never enough time with our babies. Hope you have a great weekend and don't forget... ...dogs are the best! -Charlie P.S. Does your dog suffer from seizures, or do you know someone's who does? If so, please share the video with them. It may just save their dog's life!๐พ โFind me on YouTube, LinkedIn, Xโ |