It's been 72 days since this last happened to our dog...

It's been 72 days since Charlie had his last seizure - I hope I didn't just jinx it.
The first couple nights after he has one my husband Andrew and I don't sleep at all. We're on edge, listening for every little noise and movement. It's exhausting.
But as the weeks go by, we fall back into our normal routine and almost forget he ever had one.
We're never sure how long we're going to get in-between episodes, and we're grateful for each day that he doesn't have one. And it's hard because Charlie's seizures are idiopathic, which means there's no pattern to them and we don't know what causes them. It's hard not knowing the future, but then I think, would I really want to?
I'm trying to take more lessons from my dogs and not only live, but live happy and content, in the moment.
We can learn so much from dogs, but to me this is one of the greatest lessons they teach us if we're willing to learn. Charlie is happy and carefree Every. Single. Day. He either doesn't know, or more importantly, doesn't dwell on the fact that something bad might happen to him.
There's so much freedom and joy in letting go! Embrace it!
What lesson has your dog taught you recently? Hit reply and let me know - I'd love to hear from you (and your dog).
Dogs are the best,
P.S. If you have a fellow dog lover who would like to join in the fun, please share this newsletter with them! The boys and I will love you forever if you do!


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